Master Flow Interface

Add Nodes

Find the required node and drag it onto the canvas. Continue this process, and add connections between the nodes in the order you want them to be executed.

To add nodes to a loop, simply drop them onto the loop container.

Add Connections

To add a connection between nodes, hover over the node that should precede the target node in the sequence; drag a link out from the node's outgoing link point. The incoming link points of the other nodes will be highlighted in green; drop the link onto the incoming link point of the relevant node.

Edit Connections

To edit a connection, click on it to open its Properties panel. The required status is set to 'Success' by default, but it can be changed to 'Failure' or 'Any'.

The Conditional and Switch nodes expose additional connection options.

Delete Connections

Hover over a link to display its 'X' icon.

Delete Nodes

To delete a node, select it and then click Delete from the ribbon, or from the right click context menu.

Node Properties

Each node has its own properties that must be configured from the Properties panel. For details about the properties of any particular node, refer to the article for that node.

Execute the Master Flow

You can execute a specified node by opening its context menu. You can also execute the entire flow by clicking the Execute button at the top of the interface (red highlight below).

The Processing Options dialog will be launched; click the purple Master Flow button to execute the flow.

  • Click here to learn more about processing options.